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This is the final outcome of a group project I took part on during my Master Degree. 

I was in charge of designing, modelling and texturing the cleaner robot and its props, as well as texturing the construction robot. 

I also textured the corridor of the environment (walls, floor, ceiling and doors) and some of the props in it.

This is the final outcome of the final major project I took part on during my Bachelor's Degree. 

I was in charge of designing, modelling and texturing the Train, as well as grooming Kaki (the dog) and grooming Franny (the grandma). 

In addition to this I also animated several shots of the short and modelled some of the props laying around the environment.

Stop motion lip sync I created for one of my projects during my Bachelors Degree

I created this live-action 2D animation for my final major project at college.

I aim to raise awareness about war with this project.

For this project I had to create an advert for a video game using 3Ds Max.

I decided to do it about a game with a futuristic and cyberpunk style, half of the city is in war and the other half is where the upper class who has the power and control everything live.

I created this cel animation to encourage young people to practise sports, I did some research about Mustashrik, an animator who works for Partizan, his style in particular inspired me and I wanted to do something similar to his work.

I made this animation using Flash to participate in Adobe Youth Voices, this time I decided to choose environmental problems as theme, doing this I aim to raise awareness about some of the problems we are causing to our planet.

This animation was a project to participate in Adobe Youth voices, I decided to make an animation to raise awareness about homophobia because I think is something that society still has to work on and it's important.

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